New Beginnings.
Hi everyone, welcome to the newest part of my new website - my blog! As you will probably be able to tell, from what will likely read as quite novice level blogging - this is new to me…. and I am finding it a bit scary. For now, I am planning to use this blog to keep track of the various psychotherapy and counselling professional development work I do over the coming years. as well as updates regarding my private therapy practice. Of course, I would be being disingenuous to deny that my motivation is, in part, due to Google’s algorithm favouring websites that regularly publish new written content - such is the world we live in!
For now, I can update you on my summer - and what a summer it has been for all of us…. Having been planning to launch my private therapy practice this September, the Covid-19 pandemic certainly proved to be an unwelcome and unexpected bump in the road. Those that know me understand that I’m often determined (and/or stubborn) and as such, decided not to change my plans - time will tell as to the wisdom of this!
Reflecting on the process now, having a project has been like a sort of protective armour for me when dealing with the wider pandemic situation, I’ve been busy - and I like to be busy, this has really helped me to stay resilient in the face of so much uncertainty and chaos, a much needed distraction to fill my days and my racing mind, a project, something to achieve. I’ve been busying away securing a beautiful therapy space to practice from in Bethnal Green in East London, developing a website and formalising my therapeutic procedures and policies. Less thrilling were registering with the information commissioner’s office and familiarising myself with the GDPR regulations. Alas, it had to be done, and now it is done!
And so now I am enjoying the sense of achievement I feel when I complete a project and looking forward to building up my own little business. Currently, I am only seeing clients online but planning to start providing counselling in a face-to-face setting (in East London) from the beginning of September, albeit with limited capacity.
I’m thinking now that wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be about 300 words ago - I think I have now officially completed my first blog post. Thank you for reading to those that have, I do commit to making these more vibrant, illustrated and with as interesting content as I can provide. Until then,